Monday, March 8, 2010

Bake Up Pakistan

When I heard this news today, I can tell you, it warmed my heart.

Wanker-in-chief Zaid Hamid's arrival on March 6 (Saturday) at the Islamia College University in Peshawar for a Wake Up Pakistan pep rally (i.e. his usual pompous drivel) was met not only by strong vocal protests from a range of student groups (including the Peoples Students' Federation, the Pakhtun Students' Federation and even the Jamiat) but his car was also apparently stoned and some students even attempted to beat him up. Some reports also claimed a bout of aerial firing. Here is a clip of what happened inside the woefully named Takbeer Hall (posted obviously by an acolyte wanker):

One of the student protestors, Idrees Kamal, had this to say to Dawn in the protestors' defence:

“We have already suffered a lot due to the suicide bombers and militants and do not want those promoting the extremists.”

I'm not usually someone who condones such tactics against people whose opinion one disagrees with. But in this case, it's fair enough as far I'm concerned. Since chauvinists like Zaid Hamid talk only in terms of violence and genocide, keep proclaiming their fondness for militaristic solutions and attempt to shout down all voices opposing them or sneakily denigrate them as unpatriotic, about time that they get a taste of their own medicine.

One must also keep in mind the circumstances of this pep rally. According to all local sources, Zaid Hamid was invited by the university's chancellor, the NWFP Governor Owais Ahmed Ghani, and was provided VIP security protocol by plainclothes law enforcement and intelligence personnel. (Oh yeah, it's so much easier to 'Wake Up Pakistan' with the intelligence agencies at your back, isn't it Zaid, Maria and Ali?) What exactly is Mr Ghani up to? Why is a madman receiving such official patronage? Haven't we seen enough of the consequences of backing such unhinged demagogues? It is to the credit of the student bodies that they resisted this obviously establishmentarain attempt to build up this charlatan.

Here is Dawn's report and here is The News' report on the fracas. And here is a slightly more detailed local report from KhyberWatch.

My only disappointments about the whole episode were as follows:

1. That Zaid Hamid did NOT get beaten up
2. That he DID manage to deliver his drivel nonetheless
3. That, according to The News' report, some of the protestors called him a "controversial scholar."

If he's a "scholar", my pet snail is one too. And both leave equal amounts of slime in their wake.


  1. Althogh I do not like zaid hamid and his "lectures" however I do feel we should all have the right to speak our mind so I dnt want him to get beaten up the only problem is that his views are aired on television making it a very serious issue since so many ppl form their opinions based on his rantings how can v curb this ?

  2. I beg to disagree, your pet snail's slime stinks a lot less than Hazrat Zaid Hamid's.

    I too am sad that he did not get beaten up. Hats off to students of Peshawar University

  3. Nausherwan saheb, the whole message of this story was not that that mad ass has the right to speak, but rather it was about time he and is trendy fascist posse get a taste of their own bitter medicine.
    And yea, I too am sad that the ass didn't get the whipping he deserves. Chalo, next time.

  4. I hate the guy. However, if you read the reports as given by Amn Tehreek or Pro Peace Students Movement (first time I heard of it) they said that some of their young emotional students opened fired. Does not give me comfort as the people opposing him were also extremists of another kind: the so called liberal nationalist

  5. Hats off to the Islamia College and Peshawar University students!
    Liberal Peshawar, I would like to point out to Pukhtoon-ophobes in the rest of the country, has had the first govt sector university where the youth has protested against this hate-mongerer.

    There is only one thing I don't understand. If there is one party that this establishment mouth-piece hates more than the PPP, it is the ANP. So the PkSF and PSF protesting makes sense. Why on earth is the IJT pissed off at the guy too?

  6. I am from Peshawar and shocked by this news too, i never thought Peshawar university students has developed this much LOVE to Zaid Hamid and same category of so called Islamic scholars, it is indeed a positive development.

    i would appreciate if Owais Ghanni invites Dr. Amir Liaqut Bhai (Zaid's colleague an equal grade moron) and provide same kind of treatment from university students.

    i am proud of being Peshawar University student :D


  7. This is indeed the kind of response people like him should get. They try to create sensationalism in people and then exploit it. We as a nation need to say ‘NO’ to such people in similar fashion.

  8. Idrees Kamal is not a student. He is the convener of Amn Tehreek.

  9. propaganda machine and what else. Cheap publicity is not always good publicity but it surely does get you in the news. I think this is a merely public stunt because these days he is so much in the news all the time and this is getting him famous. Manipulating human emotions is false I believe and I just feel bad to see this video. Sad to see citizens behaving this way.

  10. Wow, i am so proud of Peshawar Uni students. Gud going guys. Please keep it up :D

  11. @ Hira Mir
    Right, sad to see citizens behaving this way, but not so sad to see ogres like Zaid Hamid spitthing hate and venom?

    Wah, bubi, wah.

  12. Applause for the enlightened students of Peshawar University who spoke against the hate spread by Zaid Hamid, the students were rightly upset as no one has the nerve for Taliban apologists who seek refuge in fabricated stories. Students of all universities must urge to their chancellors that a controversial figure should not hold his hate sermons on their campuses

  13. does anyone know what sort of response he received after his address? an informed Q&A session to point out the numerous flaws in his theories would have been interesting.

  14. @affog. You talking about hate and venom?? If citizens don’t want to listen to all this b.s! Why do you have to give such people so muh viewership then. Incidents such as this only benefited Zaid Hamid as his name is in the air and he manages to stay in the news.

  15. Waisay, what a terrible pet a snail must make. A turtle is far better, just make sure that stupid cheels don't fly away with your baby turtle.

  16. I cant stop laughing at your perfect summary -

    "My only disappointments about the whole episode were as follows:

    1. That Zaid Hamid did NOT get beaten up
    2. That he DID manage to deliver his drivel nonetheless
    3. That, according to The News' report, some of the protestors called him a "controversial scholar."

    If he's a "scholar", my pet snail is one too. And both leave equal amounts of slime in their wake."

    I could not have said it any better - watch out links should start coming in very soon ;)

  17. i agree with annie 'maza agaya' :>

    n i too think the ass should've got a real good beaten up, that'd 've given my soul many things to feel relieved, n that for a long time huh i missed it


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