Saturday, October 9, 2010

Picture of the Day

No words necessary.


  1. I think the kulfi might laced with rufis....

    Is it just me or does the guy look like Osama's son?

  2. Things like this make me love Pakistan. I have never seen a street stall with correct spelling on it. It is always french frais, franch fries or frinch fries

  3. Kulfi bolay wo baat jo aap na bol sakein..hahahhaha thats the funniest line ever ! Btw is it just me or does this Kulfi look phallic ?

  4. oh bhai itni purani tasweer hai abb laga rahay ho xyz. full burger chal rahay ho lagtah hai

  5. actually the chap looks modeled on a certain stage of salman ahmed's hair development... which, indeed, makes this quite an old pic... :D

  6. Aaaaahahaha this is epic! "Kulfi bolay woh baat jo aap na bole sakain" ;)

  7. same message as cornetto advertisemnet...guess this dude is as good as the ones working on cornetto at UNILEVER :p.....


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