Sunday, August 14, 2011

Presenting... the Real Spirit of Aamir Liaquat

Without further ado...

[Update 1: The above video may not play because it has been pulled from Youtube by Geo. In that case you can watch the video here or try the following embed:

Update 2: I fully expect the above videos to be taken down eventually. Please check the comments section for new links that readers may post for the video in case you cannot view them from the given links. If you do come across new working links that are not already known, please do share them with others in the comments section.]

I don't subscribe at all to the sectarian twist this video takes towards the end, which is obviously motivated by other concerns. But the first half should be enough to get an idea of the reality of this televangelist. I'd love to see the face of the numerous people taken in by his faux piety and "gentleness" right about now. Keep in mind that this man is currently the Managing Director of ARY's religion channel QTV.

What is it they say? Har Cheez Meezan Mein Achhi Lagti Hai!

Update 3: Of course, Aamir Liaquat has taken the expected route and claimed that the video is a doctored one, with sophisticated editing and dubbing in of a fake voice used to conspire against him (what other possible recourse could a bald-faced hypocrite painted into a corner have?). Let's just say nobody - especially those with any sense of the technicalities of video editing - are buying it. He has blamed, without naming his former employers, Geo, for releasing the video, ostensibly because his Ramzan programmes on the ARY Network are (according to him) beating Geo's ratings (it's all about the ratings, isn't it?). Some others too have questioned how this video was leaked, comprising as it does, material that only Geo could have been privy to. We don't know how the video material made its way out of Geo (such things are usually traceable to editors or other working in an organization who have access to the footage and who can make copies on the sly) but the very fact that Geo has been pulling out all stops to have the video taken down from various sites points to the fact that the video is very much genuine. The reasons for Geo to want to suppress the video are simple: it reflects rather poorly on their programming and their brand as well, even though Aamir Liaquat may no longer be working for them. What it reveals is the utter hypocrisy of not just Mr Jaahil Online himself but also of those in direct charge of the 'religious' programming and indeed of the overall broadcaster itself. Obviously, while Aamir Liaquat was in Geo's employ, his producers, editors, crew, and channel executives knew full well what a charlatan he was and yet continued to deceive their viewers with a hyped up image of his piety.

But what is even more galling as far as Aamir Liaquat's latest "explanation" is, is how he immediately lays the blame for the "conspiracy" at the feet of those who are "against the finality of the Prophethood" and "against those who love the Prophet." Recall that Aamir Liaquat once condoned on his programme on Geo, a declaration that Ahmadis were wajib-ul-qatl (those whose killing can be justified), which was followed by the subsequent assassinations of two Ahmadis and Aamir Liaquat's live telecasts being suspended by Geo. "The tongue that speaks of the Prophet, Peace be upon him," he says in his most recent programme on ARY, "could never utter obscenities." If that is not the worst form of munafiqat (hypocrisy) in the name of religion, I don't know what is. Has this man no shame at all?

You can see the slimebag squirming here:

As a response, and to make Aamir Liaquat squirm some more, I would have love to have posted here the badchodaboy remix which I saw yesterday (man, these guys are quick) but, unfortunately, it too has disappeared off Youtube. If you find a link for it, let us know.

Thanks to @WarisJunejo, here it is:

Incidentally, do ARY head honchos really think Aamir Liaquat can ride this out?


Awais Aftab said...

I'd love to see his face as he watches his kaalay kartoot unleashed on internet for all to see!

Anonymous said...

My entire timeline is full of:

a) People telling me I've done irreparable damage to my religion because I chose to expose profanity-laced speech by a scholar who isn't a scholar.
b) People telling me I did a great job by exposing profanity-laced speech by a scholar who isn't a scholar.
c) People telling me it's dubbed and that I'm complicit in the act.
d) I'm an Ahmadi with an agenda.

I'm not sure which option to go with but, damn, har cheez meezan mai waqayi achi lagti hai.

Naushad Shafkat said...

We must also remember that he is a 'doctor' with a fake degree - I mean EVERYTHING about him is a fake. The man is just an actor and everything about him stinks! Frankly the media managements too can't escape some of the blame for putting up such 'characters' as models to be followed. Shame! Hardly ever am I at a loss for words but this has left me stumped and numb. The pits really.

Anonymous said...

this is a must see for all the aunties and yong girls callin in to his show extolling the virtues of their beloved aamir bhai on tv.
just goes to show what these holy men are like,they exploit the stupidity of people for their own personal gain.what do all his fans have to say now?? all those aunties lamenting why their own children were not like this fraudia.

Munir Khan said...

Only the gullible still insist on believing in this charlatan's fake piety & religiosity.

Well done for exposing him further.He does NOT represent Islam in any way shape or form but a rather obnoxious division of showbiz!

The quicker he is consigned to the dustbin of history the better.

ARY should hang their heads in shame!!

Anonymous said...

his elder brother Imran Liqaqat is also a big imposter and has been beaten for his acts

taimur said...

not surprised at all. spread the word!

Hamza said...

I can forgive the swearing. It's off air and it could just be a character flaw of his. God knows I swear too much.

I can forgive the jokes about Bollywood and the banter with his guests and the generally annoying antics.

I can forgive the volte face on ARY's reliability. People make mistakes all the time and he IS in this to make money for himself, just like anyone else in any other business.

What I cannot forgive this cold-hearted bastard for is the blatant and utter disregard and disrespect he shows for the concerns of a woman who phones in about rape and suicide. THAT is the real reason his brand of televangelism is wrong, dangerous, fake and ultimately without any redemption for him. And I don't mean that in a heavenly sense. I mean no redemption here and now. Spread the word, people, get this video across to as many people as possible. Show it to your fathers, brothers, uncles, aunts, that annoying cousin who sends 20 religious sms's a day, and everyone else who thinks Amir Liaquat is the key to our televised salvation.

Mohsin Sayeed said...

This video is a Hindu-Zionist-Christian-Pagan-Budhist-Parsi-Jain-Devil-worshippers conspiracy against Islam funded, made and released by CIA-Mossad-Khad-KGB-FBI-Gustapu agents.

Hamza said...

@Mohsin you mentioned Hindu but forgot RAW. You mentioned devil-worshippers but forgot Blackwater. Be more diligent.

Rukhpar Mor said...

LOL @ the last comment!

As for this video, I really don't know what to say=(

Akhtar Rind said...

Hi Pylas, Plz send an other link as this video has been removed.

Mohsin Sayeed said...

I am a Pakistani. Don't expect me to be diligent is your fault. I forgot Islam's biggest enemies Ahmadis and Shias, you are talking about RAW which was still mentioned in the form of HIndu.

Ailx said...

this video has been removed from net

Anonymous said...

Why this video has been removed? Is there any other link to watch this video?

Munir Khan said...

I am not surprised that the obnoxious creep moved fast to remove the clip, but are they're no other media/internet savvy kids around who could circumvent this?

This clip NEEDS to be circulated widely.Let us think of it as a "Jihad".

Worth noting that the speed with which Liaquat had it removed speaks volumes about the veracity of the various clips.After all why worry about a fake, or how can you assert a copyright claim unless it is in fact genuine!

Kashif said...

video is not working on new link... there server can't handle much traffic. upload to stable source

Ali Mirza said...

This is brilliant Television! hahaha.... i cant stop laughing at him and all those who think he's come saint... hahaha... some idiot also alaimed its a fake video on youtube.. hahahaha ...oh i just cant stop laughing!!!!

Tahir Imran said...

Please watch it here for the time being I find a permanat place for it on internet or someone else could do this massive favour to Islam and Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

Can't see it on my device but is this the one where he uses profanities against Prophet's companions to please Shia crowd? Then its pretty old one. Probably GEO decided themselves to release it now since he is not making money for them. If its a different one, you should watch the one where he uses profanities for the companions.

Magnum said...

I tell you, this is the work of Blackwater.

Hamza said...

before you know it, another one of the uploads will be taken down because of copyright claims by meezan. apparently har cheez meezan main achi nahin lagti.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

the first few minutes were hilarious.
what a fake, i feel sorry for the people who look up to him.

this man is going to die a horrible death.

Pakistan Youth said...

Let's all send sms to Salman Iqbal, ARY CEO and owner demanding him to fire Amir Liaqat for profanity video, laughing, making fun of a rape and causing damage to Pakistan and Islamic teachings, also affecting the honour of ARY. Salman Iqbal's numbers: +971506524613 & +923008258585. Kindly, send the message on both numbers

XYZ said...

@Anon123: Apologies for taking down your post. But while we may agree with your sentiments, we don't feel posting someone's private cell number in a public forum is appropriate. If you would like people to write directly to Salman Iqbal, CEO of ARY, please have them send a proper letter, fax or email.

XYZ said...

For all readers:

Please post working links to the video in case you find that all of the above links have stopped working. To conserve energy and to ensure that your linked video is also not pulled immediately, please post new links only once all currently listed sites stop working. Thank you.

Astroneel said...

If none videos in the post works then you can download video file directly from Rapidshare link :

sara khalili said... can check this out...its working at my end.

Wants A Translation said...

What does this mean: Har Cheez Meezan Mein Achhi Lagti Hai!

taimur said...

@ wants a Translation "everything tastes good in Meezan" it is a logo of Meezan cooking oil for which he did promotional ads. making money of his fake piety.

Anonymous said...

HELL eagerly awaits him.

Muhammad Faisal Rahat. said...

Our not so beloved 'Dr.' Sahab has tweeted this, 'It was a fake video, created and dubbed professionally'

'Do not believe in that, just relax and cool... disgusting conspiracy spread by those who do not want to promote Ishq-e-Rasool (saww)'

'Aagey Aaget Dekhiye hota hai kia...Jalan aur hasad kuch logoun key dimoaghoun mein charh chuki hai'

LOL! What a Phony! Always hated him and now I hope all the aunties and unlces of Pakistan who follow him so diligently get to know the real face of this Phony as well!

xx said... REMIX link.

Anonymous said...

It was bound to happen one day, he is such a phony. When he was MNA, remember his antics in the parking lot of parliament house. Switch off that TV aunty Razia, Elvis has left the building..

Anonymous said...

Shame on us as a nation to have such bastards as role models. I just don't know what to say.

arafat said...

that dick is pointing towards Ahmadis who have "doctored" this video.

such an insult to our intelligence. glad to see the red bar on the video

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i salute 'Dr' LH who in spite of the severe campaign against him, is still able to make fool out of millions of pakistanis...
on the other hand i still cant understand how can those who believe in 'democracy and freedom', support a campaign based on 'violation of privacy' and personal character 'flaws'.

Anonymous said...

just wondering about the role of media in with emotions and earn?

Educate us about the archives and library, who can access it within the media house?

According to people if he was doing all these, then his ex producer, his channel that launched him, all are responsible for this...

And kindly do educate us what would be credibility of religious programs?

Commercialism at it best?

Assad said...

If this is true, people who worked with him know about this... I hope some newspapers and tv-channels can confront his former co-workers with this...

H.A said...

Looks like CP was too quick to jumpt the gun. The video seem to have been doctored with.

Disclaimer: I detest Aamir Liaqat and find him fake in any case. Fake smile, fake piety, fake degrees.

Sohail said...

here is another working link though the video is out of sync most of the time.

AHK said...

@H.A. Just because Aamir Liaqat says it is doctored doesn't mean it is doctored - what else do you expect him to say in this situation?

shobz said...

i don't get why he is using the Ashiq-e Rasool defense here? Is that how low he can stoop so that he can protect himself? People who are in denial need to get a reality check. The Ostrich in the Sand analogy works really well over here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The video is still available at:

Every Muslim is duty-bound to spread it as far as possible because this would be a great service to Islam.

Anonymous said...

What will happen to Ali Haider who became "muslim" at his "pious" hands! another marketing gimmick?

BedBug said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I'm just amazed at the large number of people who were surprised after watching this video.
I thought mostly people knew he was fake.
Yeah but the extent of his chutyapa is what is surprising!

Anonymous said...

what a fraud. what a sick, sick fraud. i hope this is watched by every pious auntie with her bogus islamic queries (what could be more urgent than the possibility of suicide for a girl who wishes to preserve her honour?). and i hope this is the beginning of the end of the maulvi sahibs who have beguiled, bewitched, fingered and f****d the better part of my generation.

Rabeea said...

Anybody has any idea who to direct hate mails to? I'm not talking about Mr. Liaquat. He will try and talk his way through everything. But we all MUST protest to his current employer - ARY digital network and continue harassing them to stop shoving this sham down our throats until they actually are obliged to throw him out. Otherwise, I don't see any use of spreading the video and his responses. This evil will continue brainwashing our brainless people and will haunt us all for many more Ramzans to come.

Please suggest a way to contact local media groups like ARY and GEO to condemn the presentation of such people..

Anonymous said...

The most galling thing is not the host but the guests of the host. The so-called Aalims and Mullahs who enjoyed the profanity and Bollywood while being in the fasting. So much so for piety and taqwa.

Anonymous said...

CP people, people are mentioning only ARY, how about the ET? will they let anyone publish a blog/feature about/against him, as he writes a urdu column for their sister publication?

Anonymous said...

and btw, is it possible that the video is leaked from his x employer? because now its reputation is also at stake, or atleast its religious i have asked some questions in my earlier post regarding his ex producer and channel.... and you have summarized in your update 3....

Xain said...

guys guys guys!

His remarks are not unexpected although his response about it is surely more troublesome. Here is what i think ti should have been:

Anonymous said...

lol very funny situation for the media houses... leading media houses are silent... what would a leading english paper say? if they report anything negatively, how would the defend the hiring of that person who wrote a column about AJ

Anonymous said...

but hey wait is there going to happen something? because all are busy in ranting this "petty issue"?

Karachi Gal said...

Shamelessness personified!

Anonymous said...

Here's a working Link, it's not going anywhere!

Download File

Anonymous said...

Choose regular download, if you dont have premium membership.

Download File

zwandun said...

Amir Liaqat (henceforth the THING) says in its defense that the video is doctored and that lip movement and words do not match. Just notice when the THING reclines back and says the word "barway" probably somebody doctored the lips too!!
this THING is disgusting. making money out of his piety.
look at the so called alims who call him 'sir'. and the other guy whose cap is made fun of, responds by asking for his opinion if he needs to change the cap.
Religion is reduced to a business. after all some make huge fortunes.

I eagerly wait what our aunties, uncles and sisters would say to this.

Anonymous said...

This was deliberately leaked by Geo. Why else would it contain the clip about ARY? Geo's Mir brothers are pretty well known for such dirty tactics

Anonymous said...

To err is human
swearing is bad and certainly not suitable for someone who conducts a religious show but he is human after-all and might have one or more than one character flaws
so calling him fake and whatsoever seems a bit far fetched ... how many of us do wrong things, sins and are guilty of it but still try to make our prayers ..same might be the case with him... Allah knows the best

S said...

Hum, you dissected the entire set of crimes really well, spoke my mind to a T... everything else he did may be excused under some pretext, but that disgusting response to that woman's call makes him wajib ul qatl as far as I'm concerned.

harami said...

fake nahin hai at least. hain bharhwe?

Ghalibfilmdeikhee hai? said...

here is his defense. He changes his stance with his every defense. here he is dripping with sentimentality and excessive emotions. nothing substantial. He reminds us that religion forbids us against backbiting but forgot to throw some light on the evils of hypocrisy.

hyprocrisyhater said...

I can't wait for the pictures of the affair between Zaid Hamid and Farhat Hashmi. Only then will the trifecta be complete and we can all sleep in peace.

Anonymous said...

@ hyprocrisyhater That whould be the day!

Kesa diya! nahin diya acha hain Bharwey!

Laila said...

A tongue which oozes sweetness and piety, when reciting Quran and ahadees, should not have filth spit shows Hypocrisy, agreed when one is in friends company the guards are down ...but the true self is also reflected , when the guards are down. Pretty disappointing and heartbreaking realization

Anonymous said...

He was disgusting to me even before any of his rants against sahab, the fake degree scandal or the latest exposure surfaced. I always thought he was a drama baaz and never really saw his program. But i had no idea that he had this "auqaat". Seems like he is even using foul language while he is turning the pages of some holy book, maybe it's burda shareef as that was what he talked about. Utterly disgusting.

Please go on following ARY Link to demand he be thrown out of ARY immediately:

Anonymous said...

70 comments for this? Wow.

kashifiat said...

Pls readعامرلیاقت-کی-مبینھ-وڈیو-،-تصویر-کا-دوسر/

Anonymous said...

Hey pyala people! where is our Eidi? what is your take on yesterday's program (shahidnama)

alee said...

There's an overwhelming majority believing the videos weren't tampered here in the polls but i believe there's something fishy about it, amir liaquat have been trying and being successful in bringing different aalims from different fiqah and sit together while giving a message of peace and co-existence, which is very very important in our society, especially in this era where fanaticism is at it's peace and religious hypocrisy of different aalims rules and spread hatred.

I think there is some force which is targeting everything which tries to bring peace or consensus here in Pakistan.

We have seen it in Pakistan Politics but now we can easily see it spreading everywhere in the society...

Nangyal said...

@alee, GROW UP!

Anonymous said...

Here's a new video made by one of his fans

Maiwand said...

why are people shocked at the disclosure? what else do you expect? don't you know how puerile (and at times lethal), and nonsensical his programs are.