So, after quite a while, I was once again checking out the website of
The Dawn because somebody asked me about it. And no, I don't mean
Dawn as in the newspaper; in fact, I think the
Dawn Media Group once even threatened, or at least contemplated threatening, them with legal action (I have no idea what became of it). And suddenly, something caught my eye that made bells go off in my mind. It was quite a Eureka! moment.
"The prophetic Sunrise in the East"?
But before I tell you what my Eureka! moment was, let's all just take a moment to understand what
The Dawn really is.
Its flowery tagline proclaims it as a "News digest of the prophetic Sunrise in the East." If that's not enough to impress you, in its 'Why The Dawn News?' section, it clearly
implies that the
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was somehow involved in its founding (even though it exists only as a web-paper and the web didn't actually come into being until about 46 years after the founder of Pakistan passed away). It talks about Jinnah founding
Dawn and
The Pakistan Times prior to Partition before cleverly (and grammatically incorrectly) sidestepping the issue and adding "This Newspaper is inspired the founding father of Pakistan [sic] and revelation of the Shair e Mashriq Alama Iqbal." It even uses the following famous photograph of Jinnah to bolster its credentials:
Jinnah reading some other paper with a "similar sounding name"
It then goes on a tangential rant about the warped world view of communists, socialists and secularists before concluding, right at the end, with:
"This site has nothing to do"
Prepositions, it seems, are not its strong point. But you may already have surmised that this is not the most widely circulated English paper in Pakistan from the vitriol it spews against alleged "5th columnists" (many of whom write for
Dawn) such as Asma Jahangir, Ayaz Amir, Irfan Husain, Ayesha Siddiqa, Imtiaz Alam, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hasan Nisar, Ardeshir Cowasjee, Najam Sethi, Dr. A.H. Nayyar, Nadeem Farooq Paracha and Huma Yusuf (see Wall of Shame on right of the site's page). Far more hilariously, however, it adds the following disclaimer in its
'About Dawn News' section:
"The Dawn News makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness [sic], suitability [sic], or validity of any information on this site & [sic] will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.All information is provided on an as-is basis. The Dawn News does not accept any responsibility for sites with similar sounding names."
Right then. Aren't you glad you have that sorted out?
Anyway, now that you all understand what I am talking about and I have (hopefully) set up the context, here's what provoked my Eureka! moment. The website says this about itself:
"The Dawn News is owned and operated by Sapartese Management. There are several editors, Moin Ansari, Amardeep Singh, and Lisa Bernstein."
Now why did this catch my eye and set off chimes in my head? Well, mainly because the juxtaposition of these important sounding but unknown names seemed vaguely familiar. The combination of one alleged
gora/ gori, one alleged Indian and one alleged Pakistani name reminded me of something I once read.
this post about a (well-funded) rag called
The Daily Mail? Remember what I had written about the story featured in that post, authored allegedly by "
Cherry Ferguson in London,
Kapil Verma in Mumbai and
Ambreen Nadeem Janjua in Islamabad"?:
"One word to the wise: don't believe any of the bylines. I doubt any of these people actually exist."
Incidentally, our persistent friend
Marvi Sirmed had actually called up the
Mumbai Press Club after that post, only to discover that no journalist by the name of Kapil Verma is known to anyone there. Big surprise. Not. Another of
The Daily Mail's regular ace reporters named
Christina Palmer, a foreigner based ostensibly in Delhi, apparently does not exist either according to the Indian government (which did try looking for her).
The Daily Mail's editor
Makhdoom Babar even admitted as much, claiming it was a pseudonym "to protect her identity." (Since she stopped writing soon after the Indians arrested one of their Islamabad-based diplomats,
Madhuri Gupta, for spying, there was even
speculation that Ms Palmer was actually Ms Gupta... which,
if true - Babar denies of course - might give you a little more insight into
The Daily Mail.)
In any case, I was intrigued enough by the names to Google them. And guess what I discovered? These are
some busy journalists! The
exact same combination of names (with some minor additions here and there) appears on at least six
other separate sites as editors. Here's something called
Daily Mail Post:
Here's the
Pakistan Ledger:
Rupee News:
Pakistan Patriot:
Today's Views:
And here's
Pakistan Independent, which actually ends up getting confused (can you blame them?) and talking about
Rupee News in it's own 'About' section:
In addition, I found
another 4 sites where at least one of the above illustrious personalities were listed as editors. These included
The Pakistan Times (or
New Pakistan Times), the
Khalistan Times, the
Times of Kabul and the
Hindustan Globe. All these sites have the
exact same description about their 'team' of contributing authors which
always includes the following list in exactly the same order, typos and all:
"Moin Ansari is a 50-something US-raised Pakistani American living somewhere in the US. His political background is well to the left of centre, and is very interested in investigative history, international relations, immigration, cultural integration and language policy issues. He is presently working on a long term doctorate in history
Jason Miller is a tenacious anti-capitalist and vegan animal liberationist. He is also the founder and editor of Thomas Paine’s Corner, associate editor for Cyrano’s Journal Online, blog director for The Transformative Studies Institute and associate editor for the Journal for Critical Animal Studies.
Isha Khan
A Bangladeshi activits who regualrly posts on Rupee News
Dr. Fawzia Khan
A professor based in New Jersey who writes for various magazines including Counterpunch.
Dr. Abdul Ruff
Prolific writer from Delhi who regularly contributes to Rupee News
Dr. Koncha
A Dalit activits from Hydrabad India who highlights Dalit issues in Dalit Freedom Network
Jim Mondavi: 27 year old economist and journalist, center-left.
Riaz Khan
An American freelance journalist who lives in the US
Munir Khan
An Indian activist who writes on politics
Ahmed Quraishi
A Pakistani nationalist who has his own site
Andaleeb etc. etc."

Do note the second last name and the "etc. etc." at the end (that's how it reads on all the sites). Actually finding
Ahmed Quraishi listed on ALL these sites probably was not altogether unpredictable since even
The Dawn, in its description about itself, throws in a reference to the infamous obsession of his mentor
Zaid Hamid, i.e.
I also noticed that all these sites were "owned" by the company called
Sapartese Management (sometimes misspelled as Sapertese). Digging further, I discovered at least
another 8 sites / papers that were owned by this little-known-but-apparently-massive player in the media market (Rupert Murdoch, watch out!). The 'editorial boards' (always multiple editors) were slightly different than the ones in the first 11, but all still counted the same writers as their contributing authors. Their names?
Times of Bombay,
The Delhi Times,
Dacca Times,
The Daily Mail Times,
Bharat Globe,
Pakistan Akhbar,
Musalman Times and
Views Times. Interesting collection, isn't it? And I'm not even listing a number of other blogs also managed by the same company. Unsurprisingly, all sites seem to have the exact same political world view, i.e. hawkishly pro-Pakistan, virulently anti-India and suitably ambivalent about the Afghan Taliban.
Have a look at what all these different sites - which, incidentally cross-reference and promote each other constantly - look like:
Notice anything?
But perhaps you're saying, so what? All this proves is that the same bunch of high-energy people are very enthusiastic about writing for different blogs and papers. And that the company that runs all these sites, even if it's going over the top with so many titles, is well within its rights to standardize the look of its various publications.
Well, then let's take a look at the 'company' that allegedly owns all these sites: Sapartese Management. There's one thing quite curious about it. The only place it seems to exist is on these websites; Google it: there is no separate website with any listed office. For a company running at least 19 'prestigious' publications all over the globe, wouldn't you think it would have a bustling office
So I began to pay attention to the contact details for these various publications and the addresses listed for them as well as for, sometimes, Sapartese Management. It proved remarkably difficult to pin down where the company's offices actually were, mainly because they seemed to be moving around quite a bit. For example, according to The Dawn, Sapartese was located at "1013 Gates Court, Morris Plains, NJ 07950" but according to Pakistan Ledger its parent company was located at "3333 5th Avenue, New York, NY." Other publications listed a number of other addresses, often also in New York.
But there was something funny about these addresses too, as some might have already gathered. As anyone who has walked around or looked for directions in New York can tell you, there's critical information such as ZIP codes and Suite numbers missing. In fact, there is no building number 3333 on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, the boulevard numbers actually end in the mid-2000s. Look it up on Google maps, I am not kidding. There is another 5th Avenue in Queens but the houses there are numbered in the single digits. Neither is there, it seems, a 1013 Gates Court in Morris Plains, NJ.
The far end of 5th Avenue: not that difficult to see where it ends, is it? (Source: Google Maps)
Some of the other office addresses are equally absurdly manufactured. For example, the offices of the
Times of Bombay are listed as "76543 34th Street, New York, NY" and
The Delhi Times as "5555, 15th Street, New York, NY." Neither exist. If you actually Google these addresses (obviously someone forgot about the extensive mapping of addresses in the US), some land you up in parking lots, others in the middle of the highway. Even the address Mr. 'Moin Ansari' - who owns at least 21 domain names - provides while
registering domain names is seemingly fictitious.
Incidentally, who really
is this mysterious
Moin Ansari who lives "somewhere in the US"? I have no idea if he is either
this man or
this man or someone entirely different altogether. It must be said, however, that the interview in the second link refers to him as "an executive in the Information Technology industry" and the person under whose name
Rupee News is registered also lists a company by the name of
Crestech in his registration details. A software company owned by the
Crescent Group is also called Crestech but I have no idea if it's the same one being used here. Perhaps I'll leave that for another time or for others to probe.
Do I
really need to spell out who I think has the resources and the motivation to spin this elaborate web of fake publications and
yet be so incompetent about it? And what does that tell you about Ahmed Quraishi and the people associated with papers like
The Daily Mail?